On Tuesday we had the pleasure to say goodbye to our Managing Director Peter Wyss after seven years together in his well-deserved retirement.
Therefore the BAC team would like to say thank you again!
Thank you for your commitment.
Thank you for your always open ear.
Thank you for your respect.
Thank you for your courage.
Ute Wanschura, Managing Director of the Bundesverband Schwimmbad und Wellness e.V. (bsw) also made her way to Ettlingen to say goodbye to Peter Wyss and to present him with a certificate for the work he has done. “One should leave when it is most beautiful” said Ute Wanschura.
For further insights into the farewell party, please visit www.bsw-web.de/2023/06/27/auf-wiedersehen-peter-wyss-von-bac-poolsystems/.