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BAC is nominated for the EUSA Award 2024!

Europe is voting this year – not only for the European Parliament, but also for the continent’s most beautiful pools. While a lot is promised in the run-up to political elections, the ‘pool candidates’ have already put everything into practice. Beautiful water oases have been created that have qualified in a preliminary round to take part in the ‘European Pool Cup’. These include the company BAC pool systems, which is taking part with a cover pool created together with Woodtli Schwimmbadtechnik.

To ensure that the swimming pool prize does not steal the show from international football, the ‘water final’ is not scheduled until after the UEFA Euro final. On 19 November, Pedro Arrebola, President of the European Swimming Pool Association EUSA, will announce the winners at the international trade fair Piscine Global in Lyon.

The EUSA AWARD has been presented annually since 2013 by the EUSA – European Union of Swimming Pool and Spa Associations – in cooperation with the Bundesverband Schwimmbad & Wellness e.V. (bsw) and other swimming pool associations from Europe. The competition covers the following categories: privately used outdoor and indoor pools, whirlpools and spas, pools with roofs and covers, refurbishments under the heading ‘before and after’ and pools at night.

Further information can be found at:
www.eusaswim.eu or www.bsw-web.de

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