Frequently asked questions
The delivery time is varies depends on the product group. The safety cover is deliver in approximately 3-4 weeks. By ordering the Isola or slatted cover with associated roll-up mechanism and suitable cladding is deliver In 4 to 8 weeks. Depending on the workload may change the delivery time. For the exact possible delivery time, please contact the nearby specialist dealer.
A price list is available to our dealers in the “Dealer Area” under the heading “Downloads“.
No, as a manufacturer of covers, we cannot sale it in a private sector direct to end customer. In our extensive network of partners, however, you will also find a competent specialist dealer in your area. In addition to qualified advice and coordination with the other components of your pool, this dealer offers you service-oriented installation.
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The granules of the different colors consist of several components mixed differently in composition and quantity. Moreover, individual pigments or additives considerably influence the finished product’s properties. Therefore, a separate hail test must be carried out for each color. In addition to the material composition, the profile geometry like shape and wall thickness is also responsible for the hail resistance. Detailed information and all certified roller shutter profiles can be found under “Slatted cover.”
The first thing to differentiate here is whether you want an above-floor or an under-floor variant.
- In the case of the above-floor variant, our Safety cover model or a floating cover, such as the Isola or the slatted cover, is used. At last, when rolled up, it must be protected against sunlight with a cladding or seat bench.
- For the under-floor, only a slatted cover comes into question. It can be mounted directly below the water surface, at the bottom of the pool, in a backpack well, on the bottom floor of the pool, or under a hinged panel. The slatted cover can be mounted with an under-floor seat bench, a pit cover, a front cover or a wooden grid above the waterline. To find the installation situation that suits your pool, please contact one of our dealers, You can find a brief insight into the installation situations here.
About 80% of the energy loss in an outdoor pool is caused by surface evaporation. In an indoor swimming pool, this value is around 55 %. However, the energy consumption of dehumidification systems must also be taken into account here. The only efficient way to significantly reduce this loss is to cover the pool. With a cover – REGARDLESS of whether it is a safety cover, an Isola or a slatted cover – approx. 60 % – 70 % of the energy and water loss can be avoided. The energy remains in the water!
Using slatted cover profiles with a “solar effect”, the pool water can be additionally heated free of charge by transferring the solar energy into the water. The actual temperature increase depends on various factors. However, experience generally shows that 3 – 6 °C more can be expected.
Yes, you can download the care instructions for the various covers here.