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Bacy Chat

Our BACY is happy to help

Bacy Chat
BAC pool systems Customer picture Ute Wanschura from bsw

Ute Wanschura

“BAC pool systems is a friendly company with convincing products, where the name BAC is program. You could translate the three letters in the company name as follows. B stands for industry player. Because BAC belongs to the Who’s Who of the pool market. For the cover specialists, A of course means cover systems, their core competence, with which the energy requirements of a pool can be reduced by up to 80 percent. C stands for community. After all, community in the water industry is very important to the pool experts at BAC. Togetherness is a top priority, which is why BAC is also an important pillar in the association. For that, we thank them very much.”

Managing Director of Bundesverband Schwimmbad und Wellness e.V.
Ute Wanschura

BAC pool systems Verbandslogo bsw - Bundesverband Schwimmbad und Wellness e.V.


Bundesverband Schwimmbad & Wellness e.V. (bsw)

An Lyskirchen 14
DE_50676 Köln

info@bsw-web.de www.bsw-web.de